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Woman on a Deserted Road


Develop your emotional intelligence (EQ) and increase your effectiveness, communication and relationships at home and work.

I was looking for some interesting videos to share with an academic leadership group at work and to create some activities they could do to explore and reflect on their own EQ. Asking anyone to stop and reflect on their own behaviour, emotional responses, their communication with friends and colleagues is a delicate topic. It's not like delivering a session on strategy or learning and teaching or business topics. It's highly personal.

However I think I've found just the right approach which i thought I'd share with my readers here.

This introductory video helps frame Emotional Intelligence.

In this video Daniel Goleman the author of the book Emotional Intelligence - Why it can matter more than IQ explains EQ in his own words.

Now that you feel you have a general understanding of EQ let's try a little activity. Just watch the first 1:20 of this video to frame the activity.

Now take a minute to close your eyes...

•1. Recall and incident you would describe as stressful

•2. Now place yourself as an observer not a participant

Notice the shift in your emotional state?

Now let's consider the 4 Things Emotionally Intelligent people do......

Watch the video and we will do another activity afterwards,


Part 1. Think of a habitual criticism you might do?

Is it something you could change?

Part 2. Worrying about the future?

What aspects of your life might be held back by uncertainty?

Part 3. Do you have a habit of ruminating on the past and replaying mistakes of the past?

Consider how this might have held you back or kept you stuck?

Part 3. Do you have a habit of Unrealistic Expectations?

In what way does this subtle control impact on your life in work or home? Would more realistic expectations reduce your levels of stress?

Finally read the article in Harvard Business Review here Emotional Intelligence Has 12 Elements. Which Do You Need to Work On? (

Take some time to reflect. Consider which domains you feel you are well developed in and which areas you should focus on building your capabilities in an seek out training, couching and mentoring to build these into strengths.


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